Angela Watson
Angela-Sadio of Germantown, Folk Arts and Performance Art
Angela-Sadio is a community artist working with social justice and the performing arts to reclaim lost African heritage, empower youth through the arts, create space for expression and elevate consciousness. As the founder of Camara Arts, "keepers of tradition," an arts organization that creates space for youth to express themselves utilizing African dance and drumming; centers African pride and legacy through historical teachings that empower youth, women, and elders, Angela-Sadio has fostered partnerships with the Bright Lights, FACTS Folk Arts Charter School, the Church of the Advocate, and DanceAfrica Philadelphia, elevating African Arts to a higher level of legitimacy and respect.

Saturdays 2-4pm, $15, ECR Studio
African dance workshop series highlighting various local and regional artists in the practice of African dance, drumming, and music.
Upcoming Schedule:
Jan 26thth: Mohammed Bangoura Master Workshop in Djembe/Dundun drumming, $15-20
Feb 2nd: Acupuncture with African Healing Dance facilitated by Eloise Prescott & Angela Watson $15-20

Angela “Sadio” Watson is a keeper of traditional African folklore. Angela has been performing, teaching, and studying African arts since 1989. Angela performed in Japan, Africa, Bolivia, St. Johns, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, throughout the US receiving a foundation in Guinea folklore through the protege students of the legendary Papa Ladji Camara. Angela received her Bachelors in African Studies from Howard in 1997 and her Master's in Dance Therapy in 2001. Angela was a Fulbright scholar from 1997-1998, studying the village style and ballet theater style dancing with the national ballets of Guinea. Angela-Sadio is an Alumni Performer of Kulu Mele African American Dance Ensemble, Doc Gibbs, and Green Meadows Cultural show for kids. Sadio performs with Voices of Africa, Tyhimba, as well as performing as a guest artist with Balafon West African Dance Ensemble to name a few. Angela is the founder of Camara Arts, 'keepers of tradition', an arts organization for youth in Rites of passage. Angela-Sadio received in 2008 apprenticeship award to study traditional African song with Mama Kadiatou Conte from the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, is a listed artist with PHC, has been an artist in Residence at the Paul Robeson House. Angela has taught at multiple university & college level courses in African dance including: University of the Arts, Ursinus, Dickinson, & Muhlenberg College, including workshops in African healing dance at Drexel University, and guest instructor African Rhythms’ of UPenn. As a community artist working with social justice and the arts Angela worked with the Bright Lights, FACT’s Folk Arts Charter School, the Church of the Advocate, amongst many places. Angela-Sadio was a proud partner in the production that brought DanceAfrica Philadelphia, a model and pilot of the 40+ year old Festival "DanceAfrica" currently in NY, DC, Chicago, Pittsburgh, TX, and more. Sadio has received numerous awards including in 2016 an award from the Drum Tribute for teaching the Joy of African Dance. Ms. Watson is a published author in the Encyclopedia of Africa and the Americas on the history of African dance here in America. Ms. Watson recently completed her Master’s of Arts at Temple University’s Dance Research program researching the history of Papa Ladji Camara's impact as the first teacher of traditional Manding Djembe music and dance in New York.