Jano Cohen

Jano Cohen has studied T’ai Chi for 30 years with Maggie Newman, who is a senior student of Cheng Man Ch’ing, developer of the shortened Yang form from the original long Yang for, taught to him by Yang Ch’eng Fu. She has been teaching T’ai Chi since 1986 and the Alexander Technique since 1990. She was a previous dancer and choreographer and now is an exhibiting amateur photographer.
Tuesdays 5:30-6:30pm
6 classes @ $85
Trial Class $15
To register:
please call
or email
T’ai Chi is a martial art that originated in China and has now gained great popularity around the world. It is considered a gentle or internal martial art because its power derives from the use of energy (chi) rather than physical strength. It is a graceful slow moving meditative form of exercise that cultivates physical awareness and the flow of energy. Most people practice T’ai Chi primarily for relaxation and improved health with improved flexibility, leg strength, balance and ease in breathing. Focusing on movement helps us center in the face of life’s stresses and gives us a sense of peace and well being. This class is suitable for all ages. Attention will be given to ensure that students practice safely with proper alignment and position.